Slave trade -- Sierra Leone -- Early works to 1800. : Two voyages to Sierra Leone during the years 1791, -2, --3 : in a series of letters / by Anna Maria Falconbridge ; to which is added A letter from the author to Henry Thornton, ... M.P. and Chairman of the Court of Directors of the Sierra Leone Company
Slave trade -- South Atlantic Ocean -- History : Networks and trans-cultural exchange : slave trading in the South Atlantic, 1590-1867 / edited by David Richardson and Filipa Ribeiro da Silva
Slave trade -- Southeast Asia : The storm makers / Rithy Panh presents ; a Bophana Production, Tipasa Production co-production in association with ARTE France, La Lucarne ; produced by Rithy Panh, Julien Roumy ; a film by Guillaume Suon ; written by Guillaume Suon, Phally Ngoeum ; director, Guillaume Suon
Slave-trade -- Spanish colonies : From the galleons to the highlands : slave trade routes in the Spanish Americas / edited by Alex Borucki, David Eltis, and David Wheat
Slave trade -- Sudan -- History : The fateful journey : the expedition of Alexine Tinne and Theodor von Heuglin in Sudan (1863-1864) : a study of their travel accounts and ethnographic collections / Robert Joost Willink
Slave trade -- Turkey -- History : Ransom slavery along the Ottoman borders : early fifteenth-early eighteenth centuries / edited by Géza Dávid and Pál Fodor
Slave trade -- United States -- Finance : Serving the chain? De Nederlandsche Bank and the last decades of slavery, 1814-1863 Karwan Fatah-Black, Lauren Lauret, Joris van den Tol
Slave trade -- West Indies, British : A General view of the African slave-trade : demonstrating its injustice and impolicy : with hints towards a bill for its abolition