Slavery -- Texas -- History : African Americans in central Texas history : from slavery to civil rights / edited by Bruce A. Glasrud and Deborah M. Liles
Slavery -- Thailand. : A Modern form of slavery : trafficking of Burmese women and girls into brothels in Thailand / Asia Watch and the Women's Rights Project
Slavery -- Trinidad and Tobago -- Fiction : Adolphus, a tale / Anonymous. & the slave son / by Mrs. William Noy Wilkins ; edited by Lise Winer ; with annotations and an introduction by Bridget Brereton [and others]
Slavery United Kingdom Colonies : Emancipation in disguise, or the true crisis of the colonies. To which are added, considerations upon measures proposed for their temporary relief and observations upon colonial monopoly : Shewing, the different effects of its enforcement and relaxation, exposing the advantages derived by America from Louisiana: and lastly, suggestions for a permanent plan to supply our colonies with provisions and our navy with certain naval stores independent of foreign supplies
Slavery -- United States -- Biography : Memoir of the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy : who was murdered in defence of the liberty of the press, at Alton, Illinois, Nov. 7, 1837 / by Joseph C. and Owen Lovejoy ; with an introduction by John Quincy Adams
Slavery -- United States -- Controversial literature -- 1858 : Southern institutes : or, an inquiry into the origin and early prevalence of slavery and the slave-trade, with an analysis of the laws, history, and government of the institution in the principal nations, ancient and modern, from the earliest ages down to the present time, with notes and comments in defence of the southern institutions / by George S. Sawyer, a member of the Bar of Louisiana