Social service : Active Assisted Living : Anwendungsszenarien und LoÌ#x88;sungsansaÌ#x88;tze fuÌ#x88;r ein selbstbestimmtes Leben / herausgegeben von Marcel Sailer, Andreas Mahr
The use of community resources, individual case work, or group work to promote the adaptive capacities of individuals in relation to their social and economic environments. It includes social service agencies
Social Services & Welfare POLITICAL SCIENCE : Helping young refugees and immigrants succeed : public policy, aid, and education / edited by Gerhard Sonnert and Gerald Holton
Social services Older people Research Asia : Preparing for the challenges of population aging in Asia : strengthening the scientific basis of policy development / Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Indian National Science Academy, Indonesian Academy of Sciences, National Research Council of the U.S. National Academies, Science Concil of Japan
Use of all social work processes in the treatment of patients in a psychiatric or mental health setting
Social services Romanies : Social work with gypsy, Roma and traveller children / Daniel Allen and Paul Adams
Social services -- Victoria : The Brosnan Centre : from community service to social action / Peter Norden ; [preface by] Emeritus Professor Tony Vinson AM
Social settlements -- Illinois -- Chicago : How did changes in the built environment at Hull-House reflect the settlement's interaction with its neighbors, 1889-1912? / by Melissa Doak, et al
The personal set of abilities required to successfully interact and communicate with others, both verbally and non-verbally through gestures, body language and personal appearance
Social skills in adolescence -- Testing : Buros/ETS lecture. 10th, Advances and challenges in assessing social, emotional, and self-management skills / Buros Center for Testing ; ETS, Educational Testing Service ; Patrick Kyllonen