Social archaeology -- Bulgaria -- Khaskovo Region : From surface collection to prehistoric lifeways : making sense of the multi-period site of Orlovo, south east Bulgaria / edited by John Chapman ; with contributions by Bisserka Gaydarska [and others]
Social archaeology -- Canada, Eastern : Process and meaning in spatial archaeology : investigations into pre-Columbian Iroquoian space and place / editors, Eric E. Jones, Wake Forest University, John L. Creese, North Dakota State University
Social archaeology -- Cuba : Slavery behind the wall : an archaeology of a Cuban coffee plantation / Theresa A. Singleton ; foreword by Paul Shackel
Social archaeology -- Cuba -- Holguín : Archaeology of early colonial interaction at El Chorro de Maíta, Cuba / Roberto Valcárcel Rojas ; foreword by William F. Keegan
Social archaeology -- Cyprus : The development of pre-state communities in the ancient Near East : studies in honour of Edgar Peltenburg / edited by Diane Bolger and Louise C. Maguire
Social archaeology -- Europe, Central : The first farmers of central Europe : diversity in LBK lifeways / edited by Penny Bickle and Alasdair Whittle ; with contributions by Alexandra Anders, Rose-Marie Arbogast, R. Alexander Bentley, Penny Bickle, Christoph Blesl, Lucy Cramp, Philippa Cullen, Christopher Dale, Marta Dočkalovǎ, László Domboróczki, Linda Fibiger, Michael Francken, Claudia Gerling, Seren Griffiths, Gisela Grupe, Julie Hamilton, Robert Hedges, Daniela Hofmann, Nándor Kalicz, Zsófia Eszter Kovács, Eva Lenneis, Tibor Marton, Inna Mateiciucová, Christine Neugebauer-Maresch, Geoff Nowell, Krisztián Oross, Ildikó Pap, Juraj Pavúk, Joachim Pechtl, Pál Raczky, Linda Reynard, Michael Schultz, Peter Stadler, Elisabeth Stephan, Maria Teschler-Nicola, Barbara Tiefenböck, Joachim Wahl, Alasdair Whittle and Carrie Wright
Social archaeology -- Florida : Mission Cemeteries, Mission Peoples : Historical and Evolutionary Dimensions of Intracemetery Bioarchaeology in Spanish Florida / Christopher M. Stojanowski ; foreword by Clark Spencer Larsen
Social archaeology -- Germany, Southern : Insights into social inequality : a quantitative study of neolithic to early Medieval societies in Southwest Germany