Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction to the Series; List of Plates; Preface; Part One; 1 From monastery to concentration camp; 2 The Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp -- SLON; 3 The special purpose press: The Solovetsky Islands and The New Solovki; 4 Profiles and masques; Part Two; 5 The Theatre of the 1st Department; 6 The smaller theatres -- 'Trash' and the group of 'Our Own'; 7 The end of the early Solovki; 8 At the crossroads; 9 The theatre at Kem; Part Three; 10 The 'court' and 'vulgar' theatres of the White Sea-Baltic Canal
11 Camp theatres and the Central Theatre of the White Sea-Baltic Canal12 The theatre of the late Solovki; References; Abbreviations; Index
First Published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company