Songs with sitar : So nah sind wir am Untergang, so nah sind wir am Licht : Ingrid Elisabeth Fessler spielt und singt eigene Lieder und lyrische Texte zeitgenössischer Autoren
Songs with square piano : Ngarra-Burria Piyanna : indigenous composers make an old piano sing
Here are entered works for solo voice with secular texts. Works with sacred texts are entered under the heading Sacred songs. For works consisting of art songs, this heading is qualified as appropriate by voice range and specification of accompaniment, e.g. Songs (High voice) with piano; Songs with orchestra; Songs, Unaccompanied. For works consisting of songs of ethnic or national character this heading is qualified by the name of the language or language group and subdivided by place, e.g. Songs, French; Songs, English--United States; Songs, SlavicFor works consisting of songs of an individual ethnic group, additional subject entries are made under the headings [ethnic group]--[place]--Music and Music--[place]. For works consisting of songs of a national group, additional subject entry is made under the heading Music--[place] --subdivision Songs and music under names of persons, corporate bodies, places, classes of persons, ethnic groups, wars, and topical headings for collections or single works of vocal or instrumental music about the topic or entity named; and subdivision Music under ethnic groups for music of the group
Songs without words (Vocal music) -- See Vocalises
Here are entered compositions for solo voice(s) without text. Instrumental compositions in song style are entered under Songs without words (Instrumental music)This heading may be qualified by number of voices or by voice range, with accompaniment added as appropriate, e.g. Vocalises (Voices (2)) with piano; Vocalises (High voice) with chamber orchestra; Vocalises (Vocal ensemble), Unaccompanied
Songs, Yanyuwa : Songs from a plastic water rat : an introduction to the musical traditions of the Yanyuwa community of the southwest Gulf of Carpentaria / John Bradley and Elizabeth Mackinlay