Sri Lanka Religion and state : Constitutions, religion and politics in Asia : Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka / dian a. h. shah, research fellow, centre for asian legal studies, national university of singapore senior lecturer, faculty of law, university of malaya
Sri Lanka Religious law and legislation : Buddhism, politics and the limits of law : the pyrrhic constitutionalism of Sri Lanka / Benjamin Schonthal, University of Otago
Sri Lanka Religious minorities Legal status, laws, etc : Constitutions, religion and politics in Asia : Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka / dian a. h. shah, research fellow, centre for asian legal studies, national university of singapore senior lecturer, faculty of law, university of malaya
Sri Lanka Research Methodology Case studies : Dilemmas and Challenges in Participant Observation : Lessons From Research on Community-Based Rehabilitation in Rural Sri Lanka / Higashida
Sri Lanka Reservoirs Management : Modelling cyclical storage in reservoir systems for forecasting and optimisation : an illustration from Sri Lanka / S. Mahendrarajah, A.J. Jakeman and P.C. Young
Sri Lanka Rites and ceremonies Kandy : Skill and trust : the tovil healing ritual of Sri Lanka as culture-specific psychotherapy / Beatrice Vogt ; translated into English by Michael H. Kohn
Sri Lanka Road construction industry : Study of the road construction industry in Sri Lanka : emphasis on improving performance of the industry / by Sirimevan Bandara Wijekoon
Sri Lanka Rubber industry and trade : Enabling environment for the successful integration of small and medium-sized enterprises in global value chains : country studies of Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Rule of law : Sri Lanka's authoritarian turn : the need for international action
Sri Lanka Rural development : Experiences from the FAO People's Participation Programme in Sri Lanka : who participates? / based on the work of Inge Jungeling
Sri Lanka Rural development projects : Experiences from the FAO People's Participation Programme in Sri Lanka : who participates? / based on the work of Inge Jungeling
Sri Lanka Rural poor : The use of poverty indicators and the poverty pyramid for agricultural and rural development in the smallholder sector in Sri Lanka / Dharmadasa Tennakoon
Sri Lanka Rural women : Deforestation, women and forestry : the case of Sri Lanka / Anoja Wickramasinghe
Sri Lanka Rural women Language : Masking terror : how women contain violence in Southern Sri Lanka / Alex Argenti-Pillen
Sri Lanka Sarvodaya movement : Dharma and development : religion as resource in the Sarvodaya self-help movement / Joanna Macy ; with an introduction by A.T. Ariyaratna
Sri Lanka Self-determination, National : Internal self-determination in international law : history, theory, and practice / Kalana Senaratne, University of Peradeniya
Sri Lanka Sex crimes : Silence in the courts / an Aakar presentation ; in association with Cine Sarasavi Productions and Prasanna Vithanage Productions ; a Prasanna Vithanage film ; produced by H.D. Premasiri, Prassana Vithanage
Sri Lanka Slavery History : Slave in a palanquin : colonial servitude and resistance in Sri Lanka / Nira Wickramasinghe
Sri Lanka Small business : Pilot year evaluation 1986; program projections 1987 / Institute for International Development Incorporated, Jeeva Sanwardhanaya Ayathanaya