Stakeholder management -- Philosophy : The profit motive : defending shareholder value maximization / Stephen M. Bainbridge, University of California, Los Angeles
Stalag IV B. / : A soldier's dream : The Milt Feldman story / directed by Eduardo Montes-Bradley ; produced by Soledad Liendo, Heritage Film Project
Stalag VII A -- Biography : Odyssey of a bombardier : the POW log of Richard M. Mason / edited by John J. Hurt and Steven E. Sidebotham
Stalag XVII B Krems-Gneixendorf. / : Not without honor : the Nazi POW journal of Steve Carano : with accounts by John C. Bitzer and Bill Blackmon / edited by Kay Sloan
Staley, William, -1678 -- Trials, litigation, etc : State trials, or, A collection of the most interesting trials prior to the Revolution of 1688 / reviewed and illustrated by Samuel March Phillipps, Esq., of the Inner Temple
Staley, William, -1678 -- Trials, litigation, etc. -- Sources : The tryal of William Stayley, goldsmith : for speaking treasonable words against his most sacred Majesty: and upon full evidence found guilty of high treason, and received sentence accordingly, on Thursday November the 21th [sic] 1678