Stories without words -- Bibliography. : Australian picture books : a select annotated bibliography 1978-1983 / by Janine Betty Schmidt and Barbara Poston-Anderson ; with the assistance of Gay Howells
Stories without words -- Biography. : Australian picture books : a select annotated bibliography 1978-1983 / by Janine Betty Schmidt and Barbara Poston-Anderson ; with the assistance of Gay Howells
Storks -- Identification. : Storks, ibises and spoonbills of the world / James A. Hancock, James A. Kushlan and M. Philip Kahl ; illustrated by Alan Harris and David Quinn
Storm King Mountain (N.Y.) : Power on the Hudson : Storm King Mountain and the emergence of modern American environmentalism / Robert D. Lifset
Storm King Mountain New York (State) : Power on the Hudson : Storm King Mountain and the emergence of modern American environmentalism / Robert D. Lifset
Storm petrels -- North America -- Identification : Petrels, albatrosses, and storm-petrels of North America : a photographic guide / Steve N.G. Howell ; in collaboration with J. Brian Patteson, Kate Sutherland and Debra L. Shearwater