Therapeutic stretching : towards a functional approach / Eyal Lederman DO, PhD, Director, Centre for Professional Development in Manual and Physical Therapies, Senior Lecturer, University College London (UCL), London, UK
Front cover; Half title page; Dedication; Therapeutic Stretching; Copyright page; Table of Contents; Preface; The Website; 1 Introduction to Therapeutic and Functional Stretching; What Is Stretching?; Therapeutic, Sports and Recreational Stretching; Is stretching essential for normalization of ROM?; Is stretching useful therapeutically?; Towards a Functional- Behavioural Approach; Advantages of functional challenges; Towards a Process Approach; Processes underpinning ROM recovery; Classification of Stretching; What about traditional forms of stretching?; Summary; References
2 Functional and Dysfunctional ROMROM Ingredients; Active end-range; Passive end-range; ROM and sensitivity; Defining functional and dysfunctional ROM; Functional ROM; Dysfunctional ROM; Functional and clinical ROM ideals; Summary; References; 3 Causes of ROM Loss and Therapeutic Potential of Rehabilitation; Defining the Boundary of ROM Rehabilitation; Self-limiting conditions; Persistent conditions; Progressive conditions; Summary; References; 4 Adaptation in ROM Loss and Recovery; The Wonders of Mechanotransduction; Dysfunctional Adaptation and ROM Losses
Connective tissue and intracapsular structuresMuscle changes; Connective tissue change in muscle; Adaptation in ROM Recovery; Recovery in connective tissue; Adaptive recovery in muscle; Muscle connective tissue; Adaptation in Other Tissues/ Systems/Dimensions; What (Really) Drives Adaptation in Recovery; Summary; References; 5 Specificity in ROM Rehabilitation; Specificity and Generalization; Transfer of training; Measuring similarities; Studies of Specificity and Transfer; Transfer in stretching; Studies of Specificity and Transfer in Patients; Implications for ROM Rehabilitation
Promoting Generalization and Transfer in ROM RehabilitationA Note on Sensory Specificity; Summary; References; 6 The Overloading Condition for Recovery; Loading Levels and Thresholds; Overloading in relation to ROM loss and recovery; Impediments to overloading; The "inconsequential" elongation; Rate of stretching; The "undesirable" plastic ROM change; Graded Challenge and the Task Parameters; The Fallacy of Specific Tissue Stretching/Loading; Summary; References; 7 Exposure and Scheduling the ROM Challenge; Duration of Challenge; Duration in the presence of ROM pathology
Competition in ROM adaptationRatio between maintaining and recuperating signals; Termination of ROM challenge; Scheduling in Functional and Extra-Functional Approaches; A note on control of active ROM and task exposure; Adherence to THE Programme; Summary; References; 8 Rehabilitating the Active ROM:; Goals and Focus of Attention; External-internal focus in ROM rehabilitation; Regression from goal to movement level; Task-specific Muscle Recruitment; Integrate or fragment?; Synergy in pathology; Focus of ROM Rehabilitation; Importance of Cognition; Cognition and feedback
Prepared by an international authority, Therapeutic Stretching: Towards a Functional Approach offers a highly accessible account of the latest information regarding the role of therapeutic stretching in the management of restricted range of movement (ROM) disorders. Richly illustrated throughout, this exciting new volume covers the physiological basis of stretching, explores its classification and examines what is normal and abnormal in terms of ROM. Chapters then explain the processes that are associated with ROM loss and recovery as well as what makes stretching effective. T