Student mobility -- Australia -- Melbourne Region (Vic.) : Summary of a report on the transition to secondary school of pupils from Catholic parish primary schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne who completed grade 6 in 1981 / by Brian J. Spicer
Student mobility -- Australia -- Victoria -- Melbourne Region : Summary of a report on the transition to secondary school of pupils from Catholic parish primary schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne who completed grade 6 in 1981 / by Brian J. Spicer
Student mobility -- Canada : Outward and upward mobilities : international students in Canada, their families, and structuring institutions / edited by Ann H. Kim, Min-Jung Kwak
Student mobility -- Case studies : Impacts of COVID-19 on international students and the future of student mobility : international perspectives and experiences / edited by Krishna Bista, Ryan M. Allen, and Roy Y. Chan
Student mobility -- Colombia : Migración internacional calificada por razones de estudio : colombianas en México / Rosa Emilia Bermúdez Rico
Student mobility -- Cross-cultural studies. : Student mobility and the internationalization of higher education : national policies and strategies from six world regions / edited by Rajika Bhandari, Raisa Belyavina, and Robert Gutierrez
Student mobility -- Europe -- Congresses : The European higher education area : between critical reflections and future policies / Adrian Curaj, Liviu Matei, Remus Pricopie, Jamil Salmi, Peter Scott, editors
Student mobility -- Middle East : International student mobility to and from the Middle East : theorizing public, institutional, and self-constructions of cross-border students / edited by Aneta Hayes and Sally Findlow
Student mobility -- Pacific Area -- Case studies. : Global student mobility in the Asia Pacific : mobility, migration, security and wellbeing of international students / edited by Peter Kell and Gillian Vogl
Student mobility -- Southeast Asia : Higher education policy in the Philippines and ASEAN integration : demands and challenges / by Kolawole Samuel Adeyemo
Student mobility -- United States -- Congresses : Student mobility : exploring the impacts of frequent moves on achievement : summary of a workshop / Alexandra Beatty, rapporteur ; Committee on the Impact of Mobility and Change on the Lives of Young Children, Schools, and Neighborhoods, Board on Children, Youth, and Families, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Student movements -- Africa -- Case studies : Youth and higher education in Africa : the cases of Cameroon, South Africa, Eritrea and Zimbabwe / edited by Donald P. Chimanikire
Student movements -- Africa -- Congresses : Student politics in Africa : representation and activism / edited by Thierry M. Luescher, Manja Klemenčič and James Otieno Jowi
Student movements -- Brazil -- History : Speaking of flowers : student movements and the making and remembering of 1968 in military Brazil / Victoria Langland