Subculture -- Southeast Asia : Punks, monks and politics : authenticity in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia / edited by Julian CH Lee and Marco Ferrarese
Subdivision Main heading Standards : Plastics : methods of exposure to laboratory light sources. part 3, flourescent UV lams = Plastiques : méthodes d'exposition à des sources lumineuses de laboratoire. partie 3: lampes fluorescentes UV
Subduction zones -- East Asia : Subduction and closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean along the Solonker Suture Zone : constraints from an integrated sedimentary provenance analysis / Paul R. Eizenhöfer
Subduction zones Northwest Coast of North America -- See Also the narrower term Cascadia Subduction Zone
Subduction zones -- Northwest Coast of North America. : The orphan tsunami of 1700 : Japanese clues to a parent earthquake in North America / Brian F. Atwater [and others] = [Minashigo Genroku tsunami : oya-jishin wa Hokubei nishi kaigan ni ita / Buraian F. Atowōtā and others]
Inflammation of the coverings of the brain and/or spinal cord, which consist of the PIA MATER; ARACHNOID; and DURA MATER. Infections (viral, bacterial, and fungal) are the most common causes of this condition, but subarachnoid hemorrhage (HEMORRHAGES, SUBARACHNOID), chemical irritation (chemical MENINGITIS), granulomatous conditions, neoplastic conditions (CARCINOMATOUS MENINGITIS), and other inflammatory conditions may produce this syndrome. (From Joynt, Clinical Neurology, 1994, Ch24, p6)