Supercolliders : Proceedings of the Workshop of the INFN ELOISATRON Project : Innovative Detectors for Supercolliders, Erice, Italy, 28 Sept - 4 Oct 2003 / [William A. Barletta [and others] ; editors, Eugenio Nappi, Jacques Seguinot
Supercolliders -- Congresses : Proceedings of the Workshop of the INFN ELOISATRON Project : Innovative Detectors for Supercolliders, Erice, Italy, 28 Sept - 4 Oct 2003 / [William A. Barletta [and others] ; editors, Eugenio Nappi, Jacques Seguinot
Supercolliders -- Technological innovations : From the preshower to the new technologies for supercolliders : in honour of Antonino Zichichi / Björn H. Wiik, Albrecht Wagner, Horst Wenninger, editors
Supercomputers -- Research -- United States : Mathematical foundations of high-performance computing and communications / Panel on the Mathematical Sciences in High-Performance Computing and Communications, Board on Mathematical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, National Research Council
Supercomputing -- Congresses : Supercomputing : 28th International Supercomputing Conference, ISC 2013, Leipzig, Germany, June 16-20, 2013. Proceedings / Julian Martin Kunkel, Thomas Ludwig, Hans Werner Meuer (eds.)
Superconducting magnet : Superconducting magnets and superconductivity : research, technology and applications / Henry Tovar and Jonathon Fortier, editors