Surgery -- Complications -- Management : Catastrophic perioperative complications and management : a comprehensive textbook / Charles J. Fox, III, Elyse M. Cornett, G.E. Ghali, editors
Surgical procedures conducted with the aid of computers. This is most frequently used in orthopedic and laparoscopic surgery for implant placement and instrument guidance. Image-guided surgery interactively combines prior CT scans or MRI images with real-time video
Surgery -- Computer simulation : Comprehensive healthcare simulation : surgery and surgical subspecialties / editors: Dimitrios Stefanidis, James R. Korndorffer Jr. and Robert Sweet
Surgery Congenital heart disease Handbooks, manuals, etc : Surgical management of congenital heart disease II : single ventricle and hypoplastic left heart syndrome ; aortic arch anomalies ; septal defects and anomalies in pulmonary venous return ; anomalies of thoracic arteries and veins : a video manual / Viktor Hraška, Peter Murín
Surgery Coronary heart disease Atlases : Atlas of cardiac catheterization and interventional cardiology / edited by Mauro Moscucci ; associate editors, Mauricio G. Cohen, Stanley J. Chetcuti
Surgery Cryptorchism : Springer Nature medical video. Endoscopic totally extraperitoneal (TEP) exploration for undescended testes, orchidopexy and hernia repair (EHS, Left PL1) / produced by Springer Nature