surgery Tendinopathy : The achilles tendon : an atlas of surgical procedures / Hajo Thermann, Christoph Becher, Michael R. Carmont, Jón Karlsson, Nicola Maffulli, James Calder, C. Niek van Dijk, editors
Surgery Tendons Wounds and injuries : Tendon and ligament injuries of the foot and ankle an evidence-based approach / Jarrett D. Cain, MaCalus V. Hogan, editors
surgery Third Ventricle : Atlas of endoscopic neurosurgery of the third ventricle : basic principles for ventricular approaches and essential intraoperative anatomy / Roberto Alexandre Dezena
A surgical specialty concerned with diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the heart, lungs, and esophagus. Two major types of thoracic surgery are classified as pulmonary and cardiovascular
Surgery Thoracic outlet syndrome : Vascular surgery : hybrid, venous, dialysis access, thoracic outlet, and lower extremity procedures / edited by R. Clement Darling III, C. Keith Ozaki
Surgery Thoracic vertebrae : Surgery of the thoracic spine : principles and techniques / [edited by] Ali A. Baaj, U. Kumar Kakarla, Han Jo Kim
Surgery Thyroid gland Diseases : Surgical management of thyroid and parathyroid diseases / C. Gopalakrishnan Nair, Santhosh John Abraham, editors
surgery Thyroid Neoplasms : Treatment of thyroid tumor : Japanese clinical guidelines / Hiroshi Takami, editor-in-chief ; Yasuhiro Ito [and others], editors
surgery Tibia : Osteotomies around the knee : indications, planning, surgical techniques using plate fixators / editors, Philipp Lobenhoffer [and others] ; co-editors, Mellany Galla, Jens D. Agneskirchner
surgery Torso : Grabb's encyclopedia of flaps. Volume 2, Upper extremities, torso, pelvis, and lower extremities / editors, Berish Strauch, Luis O. Vasconez, Charles K. Herman, Bernard T. Lee
Surgery Trachea Atlases : Thoracic surgery : transplantation, tracheal resections, mediastinal tumors, extended thoracic reseactions / edited by Douglas J. Mathisen, Christopher R. Morse ; series editor, Josef E. Fischer ; illustrations by Body Scientific International, LLC., Anne Rains
Surgery Trachea Complications : Airway Care : Tracheostomy Care, Tube Change, and Artificial Airway Cuff Management. Airway Cuff Complications / [produced by MedCom, Inc.]
Surgery Trachea Diseases : Tracheotomy management : a multidisciplinary approach / edited by Peggy A. Seidman, Elizabeth H. Sinz, David Goldenberg