Sustainable development -- Computer simulation : Computing research for sustainability / Lynette I. Millett and Deborah L. Estrin, editors ; Committee on Computing Research for Environmental and Societal Sustainability ; Computer Science and Telecommunications Board ; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences ; National Research Council of the National Academies
Sustainable development -- Congo (Brazzaville) : Catch-up growth, habits, oil depletion, and fiscal policy : lessons from the Republic of Congo / [prepared by] Stéphane Carcillo, Daniel Leigh, and Mauricio Villafuerte
Sustainable development -- Danube River Region -- Congresses : Environmental, health and humanity issues in the down Danubian region : multidisciplinary approaches : proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Regional Research, 21-22 June 2007, University of Novi Sad / editors, Dragutin Mihailović, Mirjana Vojinović Miloradov
Sustainable development -- Developing island countries : Sustaining development in small island developing states : a reform agenda / Emily Wilkinson, Michelle Scobie, Courtney Lindsay, Jack Corbett, George Carter, Rachid Bouhia and Matthew Bishop
Sustainable development -- Economic aspects -- Africa : Sustainable development in Africa : fostering sustainability in one of the world's most promising continents / Walter Leal Filho, Rudi Pretorius, Luiza Olim de Sousa, editors
Sustainable development -- Education : Sustainable development in Africa : fostering sustainability in one of the world's most promising continents / Walter Leal Filho, Rudi Pretorius, Luiza Olim de Sousa, editors