Sustainable development -- Afghanistan : Local ownership of peacebuilding in Afghanistan : shouldering responsibility for sustainable peace and development / Chuck Thiessen
Sustainable development -- Africa, East : Urban waste and sanitation services for sustainable development : harnessing social and technical diversity in East Africa / edited by Bas van Vliet, Joost van Buuren, Shaaban Mgana
Sustainable development -- Africa, North : Integration of core sustainable development goals in rural areas : current practices of water, energy, food, climate change, and ecosystems / Abdelazim M. Negm, Zeina ElZein, editors
Sustainable development -- Africa, North -- Congresses : Mapping and spatial analysis of socio-economic and environmental indicators for sustainable development : case studies from North Africa / Noamen Rebai, Mohamed Mastere, editors
Sustainable development -- Alberta -- Case studies : Scaling up : the convergence of social economy and sustainability / edited by Mike Gismondi, Sean Connelly, Mary Beckie, Sean Markey, Mark Roseland
Sustainable development -- Arab countries : Sustainable development challenges in the Arab states of the Gulf / edited by David Bryde, Yusra Mouzughi and Turki Faisal Al Rasheed
Sustainable development -- Armenia : Heritage for a sustainable development the world heritage sites and their impacts on cultural territories : case studies from Armenia / Mariacristina Giambruno, Sonia Pistidda