Sutherland, Neil, -1812 -- Trials, litigation, etc : Narrative of some interesting particulars respecting Hugh M'Donald, Neil Sutherland, and Hugh M'Intosh, who were executed at Edinburgh, on the 22nd April, with some remarks by the ministers who attended them : to which is added a letter from Hugh M'Intosh to his parents : an account of the execution : and the pastoral admonition of the presbytery of Edinburgh, read in all the churches on 3d of May
Sutherland Registers of births, etc Scotland Indexes : McKirdy index. County Sutherland 1855-1875 an analytical index to the statutory registers of deaths for Scotland / compiled & edited by Wayne & Suzanne McKirdy
Sutherland, Sally : : evaluating the tax impact of an intellectual property transfer / Karen Lightstone
Sutherland (Scotland) -- Description and travel. : An account of the improvements on the estates of the Marquess of Stafford, in the counties of Stafford and Salop, and on the estate of Sutherland : with remarks
Sutherland (Scotland) -- Genealogy -- Indexes. : McKirdy index. County Sutherland 1855-1875 an analytical index to the statutory registers of deaths for Scotland / compiled & edited by Wayne & Suzanne McKirdy
Sutherland, Selina Murray, 1839-1909 : Strength of purpose : Australian women of achievement from Federation to the mid-20th century / Susanna De Vries
Sutherland, Zena. : Celebrating children's books : essays on children's literature in honor of Zena Sutherland / edited by Betsy Hearne and Marilyn Kaye
Sutherland, Zena, 1915- : Celebrating children's books : essays on children's literature in honor of Zena Sutherland / edited by Betsy Hearne and Marilyn Kaye
Suti︠a︡gin, Nikolaĭ Vasilʹevich. : MiG menace over Korea : the story of Soviet fighter ace Nikolai Sutiagin / Yuri Sutiagin and Igor Seidov ; translated and edited by Stuart Britton