Sweden Age and employment Government policy : Ageing and Employment Policies/Vieillissement et politiques de l'emploi Ageing and Employment Policies/Vieillissement et politiques de l'emploi : Sweden 2003
Sweden Age groups: the elderly : Simulating an ageing population ; A microsimulation approach applied to Sweden / Bjorn Lindgren ; Edited by Anders Klevmarken
Sweden Alcoholism : The Bratt system of liquor control in Sweden / prepared by the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment, Research Department, John Charles Gebhart, director
Sweden Algae Långan : Diatoméerna i Långans sjövegetation. / English summary: Diatoms in the lake vegetation of the Långan drainage area, Jämtland, Sweden
Sweden Allegiance : The personal and the political : how personal welfare state experiences affect politcal trust and ideology / by Staffan Kumlin
Sweden -- Älvdalen : Studies in Övdalian morphology and syntax : new research on a lesser-known Scandinavian language / Edited by Kristine Bentzen, University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway, Henrik Rosenkvist, University of Gothenburg, Janne Bondi Johannessen, University of Oslo
Sweden Ambassadors Biography : A quiet courage : Per Anger, Wallenberg's co-liberator of Hungarian Jews / Elizabeth R. Skoglund
Sweden Antisemitism : Moderniteten som framgång och tragedi : en vänbok till Lars M Andersson om ett föränderligt 1900-tal / Mattias Hessérus., Karin Kvist Geverts, Pontus Rudberg & Malin Thor Tureby (red.)