Switzerland -- History -- 18th century : Verhandeln mit Republiken : Die französisch-eidgenössischen Beziehungen im frühen 18. Jahrhundert / Andreas Affolter
Switzerland -- History -- 1032-1499. : The law of liberty : a sermon on American affairs, preached at the opening of the Provincial Congress of Georgia. Addressed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Dartmouth. With an appendix, giving a concise account of the struggles of Swisserland [sic] to recover their liberty / by John J. Zubly, D.D. [Two lines from Isaiah]
Switzerland Homeopathy : Homeopathy in healthcare -- Effectiveness, appropriateness, safety, costs : an HTA report on homeopathy as part of the Swiss Complementary Medicine Evaluation Programme / Gudrun Bornhöft, Peter F. Matthiessen (eds.) ; translated from the German by Margot M. Saar
Switzerland Hospitals Law and legislation : Wahlmöglichkeiten und Wettbewerb in der Krankenversorgung : Steuerungsinstrumente in Deutschland, den Niederlanden, der Schweiz und den USA im Rechtsvergleich / Ulrich Becker, Friso Ross, Markus Sichert (Hrsg.)
Switzerland Hospitals Vaud History : The formation of the Swiss Hospital System (1840-1960) : an analysis of surgeon-modernisers in the Canton of Vaud / Pierre-Yves Donzé
Switzerland Housing Prices : Switzerland : 2016 Article IV consultation; press release; staff report; and statement by the Executive Director for Switzerland
Switzerland Housing Zurich : More than housing : cooperative planning - a case study in Zürich / ETH Wohnforum ETH Case, Baugenossenschaft Mehr als Wohnen ; Margrit Hugentobler, Andreas Hofer, Pia Simmendinger (eds.)
Switzerland Human remains (Archaeology) : Étude paléoanthropologique et analyse des rituels funeraires de deux sites lateniens valaisans : randogne - bluche et sion - parking des remparts / Tobias Hofstetter
Switzerland Human rights Government policy : Engaging with human rights : how subnational actors use human rights treaties in policy processes / Jonathan Miaz, Evelyne Schmid, Matthieu Niederhauser, Constance Kaempfer, Martino Maggetti
Switzerland Human rights Government policy Cantons : Engaging with human rights : how subnational actors use human rights treaties in policy processes / Jonathan Miaz, Evelyne Schmid, Matthieu Niederhauser, Constance Kaempfer, Martino Maggetti
Switzerland Humanists Basel : Basle and France in the sixteenth century : the Basle humanists and printers in their contacts with Francophone culture / Peter G. Bietenholz
Switzerland Immigrants : Christian Orthodox migrants in Western Europe : secularization and modernity through the lens of the gift paradigm / Maria Hämmerli
Switzerland Immigrants Education : Migration, education and employment : pathways to successful integration / Marianne Teräs, Ali Osman, Eva Eliasson, editors
Switzerland Immigrants Employment : Migration, education and employment : pathways to successful integration / Marianne Teräs, Ali Osman, Eva Eliasson, editors
Switzerland Imperialism Social aspects History : Colonial Switzerland : rethinking colonialism from the margins / [edited by] Patricia Purtschert and Harald Fischer-Tiné (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Switzerland Impossibility of performance : Impossibility in modern private law : a comparative study of German, Swiss and Turkish laws and the unification instruments of private law / Hüseyin Can Aksoy
Switzerland Impostors and imposture : The Wilkomirski affair : a study in biographical truth / Stefan Maechler ; translated from the German by John E. Woods
Switzerland India Press coverage : Indien im Sucher : Fotografien und Bilder von Südasien in der deutschsprachigen Öffentlichkeit, 1920-1980 / Angela Müller
Switzerland Industrial design : Playfully rigid : Swiss architecture, graphic design, product design 1950-2006 / edited and written by Claude Lichtenstein
Switzerland Industrial relations : Social concertation in times of austerity : European integration and the politics of labour market reforms in Austria and Switzerland / Alexandre Afonso