Symbolism in architecture -- Spain -- Barcelona. : Anatomía de la interpretación en arquitectura : reseña semiótica de la crítica del Pabellón de Barcelona de Mies van der Rohe = Anatomie de la interpretation en architecture : étude sémiotique de la critique du Pavillon de Barcelona de Mies van der Rohe = An anatomy of architectural interpretation : a semiotic review of the criticism of Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona Pavilion / Juan Pablo Bonta
Symbolism in art -- Africa. : Icon and image : a study of sacred and secular forms of African classical art / Denis Williams
Symbolism in art -- Africa -- Encyclopedias. : The Continuum encyclopedia of native art : worldview, symbolism, and culture in Africa, Oceania, and North America / Hope B. Werness ; line drawings by Joanne H. Benedict, Tiffany Ramsay-Lozano, and Hope B. Werness ; maps by Scott Thomas
Symbolism in art -- China -- Dictionaries. : A dictionary of Chinese symbols : hidden symbols in Chinese life and thought / Wolfram Eberhard ; translated from the German by G.L. Campbell
Symbolism in art -- Dictionaries -- China : A dictionary of Chinese symbols : hidden symbols in Chinese life and thought / Wolfram Eberhard ; translated from the German by G.L. Campbell
Symbolism in art -- Encyclopedias. : The continuum encyclopedia of animal symbolism in art / Hope B. Werness ; line drawings by Joanne H. Benedict and Hope B. Werness ; additional drawings by Tiffany Ramsay-Lozano and Scott Thomas
Symbolism in art -- History -- To 1500 : Tracing their tracks : identification of Nordic styles from the early Middle Ages to the end of the Viking period / by Peter Hupfauf
Symbolism in art -- North America -- Encyclopedias. : The Continuum encyclopedia of native art : worldview, symbolism, and culture in Africa, Oceania, and North America / Hope B. Werness ; line drawings by Joanne H. Benedict, Tiffany Ramsay-Lozano, and Hope B. Werness ; maps by Scott Thomas
Symbolism in art -- Oceania -- Encyclopedias. : The Continuum encyclopedia of native art : worldview, symbolism, and culture in Africa, Oceania, and North America / Hope B. Werness ; line drawings by Joanne H. Benedict, Tiffany Ramsay-Lozano, and Hope B. Werness ; maps by Scott Thomas
Symbolism in art -- Rome. : The language of images in Roman art / Tonio Hölscher ; translated by Anthony Snodgrass and Annemarie Künzl-Snodgrass ; with a foreword by Jaś Elsner
Symbolism in art -- Scandinavia -- Exhibitions. : Dreams of a summer night : Scandinavian painting at the turn of the century, Hayward Gallery, London, 10 July to 5 October 1986 / organized by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Arts Council of Great Britain ; [translations by Martha Gaber-Abrahamsen, Margaret Plesner, Patrick Hort]
Symbolism in art -- South Africa. : Believing and seeing : symbolic meanings in southern San rock paintings / J. David Lewis-Williams
Symbolism in art -- Themes, motives : The English emblem tradition. Volume 1 / edited by Peter M. Daly ; with Leslie T. Duer and Anthony Raspa ; co-editor for classics: Paola Valeri-Tomaszuk ; assisted by Rüdiger Meyer and Mary V. Silcox
Symbolism in art -- Themes, motives -- Indexes : The English emblem tradition. Volume 1 / edited by Peter M. Daly ; with Leslie T. Duer and Anthony Raspa ; co-editor for classics: Paola Valeri-Tomaszuk ; assisted by Rüdiger Meyer and Mary V. Silcox