Symplectic manifolds -- Congresses : Symplectic 4-manifolds and algebraic surfaces : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy September 2-10, 2003 / Denis Auroux [and others] ; editors, Fabrizio Catanese, Gang Tian
Symplektische Geometrie -- Aufsatzsammlung. : The breadth of symplectic and Poisson geometry : festschrift in honor of Alan Weinstein / Jerrold E. Marsden, Tudor S. Ratiu, editors
The movement of ions across energy-transducing cell membranes. Transport can be active, passive or facilitated. Ions may travel by themselves (uniport), or as a group of two or more ions in the same (symport) or opposite (antiport) directions
The movement of ions across energy-transducing cell membranes. Transport can be active, passive or facilitated. Ions may travel by themselves (uniport), or as a group of two or more ions in the same (symport) or opposite (antiport) directions
Symposium Methodius, of Olympus, Saint, -311 : The aesthetics of hope in late Greek imperial literature : Methodius of Olympus' Symposium and the crisis of the third century / Dawn LaValle Norman
Symposium on Urban Survival and Traffic (1961 : Newcastle Upon Type) : Urban survival and traffic : the proceedings of a symposium organised by the Deptartments of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Town and Country Planning [of the University of Durham, King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne] in collaboration with the Roads Campaign Council, April 10-14, 1961 / convener and editor T. E. H. Williams
Here are entered works on techniques for planning or preventing pregnancies by observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of the menstrual cycle