Système politique. : New directions in comparative politics / edited by Howard J. Wiarda
Système rénine-angiotensine. : Renin angiotensin system and cardiovascular disease / Walmor C. DeMello, Edward D. Frohlich, editors
système social esclavage Etats-Unis sud 19e s : Slavery in White and Black : class and race in the Southern slaveholders' new world order / Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Eugene D. Genovese
Système solaire -- Origines. : Planetesimals : early differentiation and consequences for planets / edited by Linda T. Elkins-Tanton, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, and Benjamin P. Weiss, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Systèmes à paramètres répartis. : Distributed systems : methods and tools for specification : an advanced course / M.W. Alford [and others] ; edited by M. Paul and H.J. Siegert
Systèmes adaptatifs. : New approaches to fuzzy modeling and control : design and analysis / Michael Margaliot, Gideon Langholz
Systèmes adaptatifs (Informatique) : Reconfigurable computing : architectures and applications : second international workshop, ARC 2006, Delft, the Netherlands, March 1-3, 2006 : revised selected papers / Koen Bertels, João M.P. Cardoso, Stamatis Vassiliadis (eds.)
Systèmes agroalimentaires localisés -- France : La construction sociale des bassins de production agricole : Entre facteurs de coordination et liens de coopération / François Sarrazin
Systemes agroforestiers -- Afrique. : Trees on the farm : assessing the adoption potential of agroforestry practices in Africa / edited by S. Franzel, S.J. Scherr
Systèmes conversationnels (informatique) -- Congrès. : Readings on cognitive ergonomics--mind and computers : proceedings of the 2nd European conference, Gmunden, Austria, September 10-14, 1984 / edited by G.C. van der Veer [and others]
Systèmes d'affichage -- Congrès. : Database issues for data visualization : IEEE Visualization '95 Workshop, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, October 28, 1995 : proceedings / Andreas Wierse, Georges G. Grinstein, Ulrich Lang, (eds.)
Systèmes de commande Véhicules spatiaux Congrès : Guidance and control - II : a selection of technical papers based mainly on the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Guidance and Control Conference held at Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 12-14, 1963 / edited by Robert C. Langford, Charles J. Mundo
Systèmes de communication. : Digital mobile communications and the TETRA system / John Dunlop, Demessie Girma, James Irvine
Systèmes de paiement. : Lastschriftverkehr in Deutschland, Rumänien und der EU : ein Rechtsvergleich mit Schlussfolgerungen für die SEPA-VO / Alexandru Petrescu
Systèmes de parenté -- Angola. : The Ovimbundu under two sovereignties : a study of social control and social change among a people of Angola / Adrian C. Edwards
Systèmes de télécommunications à large bande. : Broadband packet switching technologies : a practical guide to ATM switches and IP routers / H. Jonathan Chao, Cheuk H. Lam, Eiji Oki
Systèmes de télécommunications -- Congrès. : Mobile communications : advanced systems components : 1994 International Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications, Zurich, Switzerland, March 8-11, 1994 : proceedings / Christoph G. Günther, ed