Systems engineering -- Methodology -- Congresses : Situational method engineering : fundamentals and experiences : proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference, 12-14 September 2007, Geneva, Switzerland / edited by Jolita Ralyté, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Brian Henderson-Sellers
Systems engineering -- Research : Geometric control and nonsmooth analysis : in honor of the 73rd birthday of H. Hermes and of the 71st birthday of R.T. Rockafellar / edited by Fabio Ancona [and others]
Systems engineering -- Research -- Congresses : The proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Systems Engineering Research / Alejandro Salado, Ricardo Valerdi, Rick Steiner, Larry Head, editors
Systems engineering -- Risk assessment : Large-scale system analysis under uncertainty : with electric power applications / Alejandro D. Domínguez-García
Systems engineering Roads : Engineering systems analysis of rural highway networks for the determination of priorities for construction and reconstruction / by Graeme John Both
Systems engineering -- United States : Designing soldier systems : current issues in human factors / edited by Pamela Savage-Knepshield [and others]
Systems engineering -- United States -- Management : Lessons from the Army's Future Combat Systems program / Christopher G. Pernin, Elliot Axelband, Jeffrey A. Drezner, Brian B. Dille, John Gordon IV, Bruce J. Held, K. Scott McMahon, Walter L. Perry, Christopher Rizzi, Akhil R. Shah, Peter A. Wilson, Jerry M. Sollinger
Systems engineering Water resources development : Water resources systems analysis through case studies : data and models for decision making / edited by David W. Watkins, Jr., Ph. D. ; prepared by Task Committee on Environmental and Water Resources Systems Education ; sponsord by Environmental and Water Resources Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers
Computer programs based on knowledge developed from consultation with experts on a problem, and the processing and/or formalizing of this knowledge using these programs in such a manner that the problems may be solved
A system of safety management (abbreviated HACCP) applied mainly to the food industry. It involves the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards, from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of finished products
Systems for nuclear auxiliary power -- See Project SNAP
The techniques involved in creating and inserting synthetic selfish genetic elements called gene drives. Gene drives carry a "payload gene" and are designed to increase in frequency in the population over time, eventually to all members of the population
All the organs involved in reproduction and the formation and release of URINE. It includes the kidneys, ureters, BLADDER; URETHRA, and the organs of reproduction - ovaries, UTERUS; FALLOPIAN TUBES; VAGINA; and CLITORIS in women and the testes; SEMINAL VESICLES; PROSTATE; seminal ducts; and PENIS in men
Computer systems capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information, i.e. data identified according to their locations
Computer systems capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information, i.e. data identified according to their locations
A system for the collection and/or processing of data from various sources, and using the information for policy making and management of health services. It could be paper-based or electronic. (From,,contentMDK:22239824̃menuPK:376799̃pagePK:148956̃piPK:216618̃theSitePK:376793,00.html.
An impulse-conducting system composed of modified cardiac muscle, having the power of spontaneous rhythmicity and conduction more highly developed than the rest of the heart
Overall systems, traditional or automated, to provide medication to patients in hospitals. Elements of the system are: handling the physician's order, transcription of the order by nurse and/or pharmacist, filling the medication order, transfer to the nursing unit, and administration to the patient