Tituba -- Fiction. : I, Tituba, Black witch of Salem / Maryse Condé ; translated by Richard Philcox ; foreword by Angela Y. Davis ; afterword by Ann Armstrong Scarboro
Titulats universitaris. : The work-ready graduate : preparing tomorrow's workforce / Neil B. Niman, Jennifer R. Chagnon
Titulatures Rois et souverains Congrès : Kingship in Asia and early America : XXX International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa / editor, A.L. Basham
Título de renda fixa -- Polônia. : The Polish fixed-income securities market : recent developments and selected policy challenges / Michel Noel, Noritaka Akamatsu, and W. Jan Brzeski
Tiverton Murder Rhode Island Cases : Report of a committee of the New England Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, on the case of Rev. Ephraim K. Avery, member of said conference