Tomatoes -- Varieties -- Australia -- Victoria. : Evaluation of trellis tomato varieties for Northern Victoria, 1999/2000 : part of 7 veg, a project in NRE's high value horticulture program / Roger Ashburner ... [and others]
One of the SELECTIVE ESTROGEN RECEPTOR MODULATORS with tissue-specific activities. Tamoxifen acts as an anti-estrogen (inhibiting agent) in the mammary tissue, but as an estrogen (stimulating agent) in cholesterol metabolism, bone density, and cell proliferation in the ENDOMETRIUM
Tomb Flynn, John, 1880-1951 : Devil's marble : the story of John Flynn's grave in Central Australia, and of the Devil's Marble tombstone guarding his ashes / Maisie McKenzie
Tomb Levski, Vasil Ivanov, 1837-1873 : Bones of contention : the living archive of Vasil Levski and the making of Bulgaria's national hero / Maria Todorova
Tomb of David (Jerusalem) : The Upper Room and tomb of David : the history, art, and archaeology of the Cenacle on Mount Zion / David Christian Clausen
Tomb Parennefer, Royal Butler of Akhenaton, King of Egypt : The tomb of Parennefer, butler of Pharaoh Akhenaten : Theban tomb 188 / Susan Redford ; with contribution from Donald B. Redford ; architectural drawings by Keith Meikle ; facsimile wall drawings by Rupert Nesbitt and Tannis Davidson ; photographs by Alexander Nesbitt
Tomb Ramses II, King of Egypt : Egypt. Ramses II : the question for immortality / directed by Costanza Bombarda ; narrated by Marianne Bianca Halsey, Derek Allen, Christopher Jones ; produced by Quadrio srl
Tomb Sennefer : The Tomb of Pharaoh's Chancellor Senneferi at Thebes (TT99)
Tomb Tutankhamun Pharaoh of Egypt : Days that shook the world Series 1, Episodes 7-9, Tutankhamun's tomb & the Rosetta stone; the first nuclear reaction & Chernobyl; Black September & Lockerbie