Transportation Radioactive wastes United States : Improving the characterization program for contact-handled transuranic waste bound for the waste isolation pilot plant / Committee on Optimizing the Characterization and Transportation of Transuranic Waste Destined for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, Board on Radioactive Waste Management, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Transportation -- Rates -- Congresses. : Transport Pricing and Cost Recovery Seminar papers and proceedings Canberra, 17-18 July 1979 : seminar conducted by the Commonwealth Department of Transport at the request of the Co-ordinating and General Transport Group of the Australian Transport Advisory Council
Transportation -- Rates -- Europe -- Congresses : Report of the Twenty-Second Round Table on Transport Economics : the benefits and costs (at the national level) of government intervention in the normal process of setting freight transport prices
Transportation -- Rates -- United States : Fair reward and just compensation, common carrier service : standards under the Interstate Commerce Act / Clyde B. Aitchison
Transportation Raw materials : What The Industrial Revolution Achieved: On The Move - Ep 3 of 6 / Director: Hassid, Jonathan
Transportation Readers : Little red readers. Series A. Set 3 / Peter Sloan and Sheryl Sloan
Transportation -- Research -- Australia -- Directories. : Australian transport directory : government sector / co-ordinated and produced by the Commonwealth Department of Transport at the request of the Co-ordinating and General Transport Group of the Australian Transport Advisory Council
Transportation -- Research -- Europe : Transport Projects, Programmes and Policies : Evaluation Needs and Capabilities / editors, Peter Mackie, Alan Pearman
Transportation -- Risk assessment : Critical infrastructures : risk and vulnerability assessment in transportation of dangerous goods. Transportation by road and rail / Bodgan I. Vamanu, Adrian V. Gheorghe, Polinpapilinho F. Katina
Here are entered works on the various modes of public and private transportation in rural areas in general or in various rural areas discussed collectively. Works limited to transportation in a specific rural area are entered under Transportation with local subdivision. Works limited to the various modes of rural public transportation are entered under Rural transit
Transportation -- Safety measures -- Congresses : Human error, safety and systems development : 7th IFIP WG 13.5 Working Conference, HESSD 2009, Brussels, Belgium, September 23-25, 2009 : revised selected papers / Philippe Palanque, Jean Vanderdonckt, Macro Winckler (eds.)