Talence <1996> : Algorithmic number theory : second internati[o]nal symposium, ANTS-II, Talence, France, May 18-23, 1996 : proceedings / Henri Cohen (ed.)
Talent scouts -- Texas -- Biography : Kent Finlay, Dreamer : the Musical Legacy behind Cheatham Street Warehouse / Brian T. Atkinson and Jenni Finlay ; foreword by George Strait
Here are entered works on children with above-average abilities, including talented elementary and secondary school students. Works on college and university students with above-average abilities are entered under Talented students
Talented students -- Australia. : Programs for gifted and talented children : exemplary practices ; school-based and system-based / Commonwealth Schools Commission Steering Committee
Talents (Parable) : Matarenda/talents in Zimbabwean Pentecostalism : empowerment, gender and development in an African movement / edited by Sunungurai D. Chingarande, Juliet Thondhlana, Roda Madziva and Allan H. Anderson
Talents Unlimited Program : Thinking smart : a primer of the Talents Unlimited model / edited by Carol L. Schlichter and W. Ross Palmer