Tax auditing -- Vocational guidance : Careers with the IRS, Internal Revenue Service : new user-friendly IRS is dedicated to helping and educating taxpayers, many varied career positions opening up
Tax auditing -- Vocational guidance -- United States : Careers with the IRS, Internal Revenue Service : new user-friendly IRS is dedicated to helping and educating taxpayers, many varied career positions opening up
Here are entered works on the audit and investigation of tax returns. Works on accounting practices necessary to prepare tax returns are entered under Tax accounting
Tax Authorities. : Regulatory and Tax Treatment of Loan Loss Provisions / Claudia Helene Dziobek
Tax collection -- Australia -- Costs. : The compliance costs of employment-related taxation in Australia : employers' pay-as-you-earn, fringe benefits tax, prescribed payments system and payroll tax / J. Pope, R. Fayle, D.L. Chen
Tax collection -- Canada -- Costs. : The administrative and compliance costs of the personal income tax and payroll tax system in Canada, 1986 / Franc̜ois Vaillancourt
Tax collection -- Italy : Il fermo e l'ipoteca nella riscossione coattiva dei tributi : seizure of registered movable property and mortgages in the forcible tax collection / Susanna Cannizzaro
Tax collection -- Law and legislation -- United States : A treatise on the law of taxation : as imposed by the states and their municipalities, or other subdivisions, and as exercised by the government of the United States, particularly in the customs and internal revenue / by W.H. Burroughs
Tax collection -- Poland : Republic of Poland : a technical assistance report: tax administration: modernization challenges and strategic priorities / International Monetary Fund
Tax collection -- Public opinion. : On taxes and suspicion : ambivalences of rule and the politically possible in contemporary Hargeisa, Somaliland / J. Antonio Campos
Tax collection -- Turkey -- History : Revenue-raising and legitimacy : tax collection and finance administration in the Ottoman Empire, 1560-1660 / by Linda T. Darling
Tax collection -- Washington (D.C.) : Miscellaneous hearings : hearings and markups of the Subcommittee on Judiciary and of the Committee on the District of Columbia, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, second session ... June 28 and July 17, 1978