Here are entered works on the audit and investigation of tax returns. Works on accounting practices necessary to prepare tax returns are entered under Tax accounting
Tax Authorities. : Regulatory and Tax Treatment of Loan Loss Provisions / Claudia Helene Dziobek
Tax collection -- Australia -- Costs. : The compliance costs of employment-related taxation in Australia : employers' pay-as-you-earn, fringe benefits tax, prescribed payments system and payroll tax / J. Pope, R. Fayle, D.L. Chen
Tax collection -- Canada -- Costs. : The administrative and compliance costs of the personal income tax and payroll tax system in Canada, 1986 / Franc̜ois Vaillancourt
Tax collection -- Italy : Il fermo e l'ipoteca nella riscossione coattiva dei tributi : seizure of registered movable property and mortgages in the forcible tax collection / Susanna Cannizzaro
Tax collection -- Law and legislation -- United States : A treatise on the law of taxation : as imposed by the states and their municipalities, or other subdivisions, and as exercised by the government of the United States, particularly in the customs and internal revenue / by W.H. Burroughs
Tax collection -- Poland : Republic of Poland : a technical assistance report: tax administration: modernization challenges and strategic priorities / International Monetary Fund
Tax collection -- Public opinion. : On taxes and suspicion : ambivalences of rule and the politically possible in contemporary Hargeisa, Somaliland / J. Antonio Campos
Tax collection -- Turkey -- History : Revenue-raising and legitimacy : tax collection and finance administration in the Ottoman Empire, 1560-1660 / by Linda T. Darling
Tax collection -- Washington (D.C.) : Miscellaneous hearings : hearings and markups of the Subcommittee on Judiciary and of the Committee on the District of Columbia, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, second session ... June 28 and July 17, 1978
Tax Competition. : Optimal Tax/Expenditure Competition Strategy of Governments in the Presence of Time Inconsistency : the Case for Investment Tax Abacemencs / International Monetary Fund