Tax revenue estimating -- Case studies : Forecasting assessment revenue : the case of Ventura County Lodging Association / Chia-Li Chien, Stefan W. Cosentino, John F. Thiel
Tax revenue estimating -- United States : U.S. revenue surprises : are happy days here to stay? / prepared by Andrew Swiston, Martin Mühleisen, and Koshy Mathai
Here are entered works on the audit and investigation of tax returns. Works on accounting practices necessary to prepare tax returns are entered under Tax accounting
Tax-sales -- New Jersey : Tax sales in New Jersey : and particularly under the Tax Sales Revision Act (Chapter 237, Laws 1918) : the amendments, and supplements thereto with forms and precedents, text of the "Tax Sales Revision Act," and the act entitled "An Act for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes (revision of 1918)" : and containing a general exposition of the law relating to tax sales / by Thomas Moore Simonton
Tax Sales Revision Act, 1918 New Jersey : Tax sales in New Jersey : and particularly under the Tax Sales Revision Act (Chapter 237, Laws 1918) : the amendments, and supplements thereto with forms and precedents, text of the "Tax Sales Revision Act," and the act entitled "An Act for the Assessment and Collection of Taxes (revision of 1918)" : and containing a general exposition of the law relating to tax sales / by Thomas Moore Simonton
Tax-sales -- United States : A practical treatise on the power to sell land for the non-payment of taxes : embracing the decisions of the federal courts, and of the supreme judicial tribunals of the several states / by Robert S. Blackwell
Tax shelters -- Congresses. : How domestic anti-avoidance rules affect double taxation conventions : proceedings of a seminar held in Toronto, Canada, in 1994 during the 48th Congress of the International Fiscal Association / International Fiscal Association
Tax shifting -- Australia. : Tax payers or tax players? : a further report on an efficiency audit of The Australian Taxation Office: international profit shifting / the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration
Tax shifting -- Europe, Eastern : Profit sharing and tax base erosion : case studies of post-Communist countries / Danǔse Nerudová, Jan Pavel, editors
Tax, Sol, 1907-1995 -- Correspondence. : Fieldwork : the correspondence of Robert Redfield and Sol Tax / edited and with an introduction by Robert A. Rubinstein ; foreword by Lisa Redfield Peattie