Teachers -- Victoria -- Geelong -- Biography : Charles Pratt of Belmont Common : a life in the air : Geelong's pioneer aviator, aerial photographer and flying instructor / Kevin O'Reilly ; [foreword by] Justin Giddings
Teachers -- Victoria -- Geelong -- Diaries : Charles Pratt of Belmont Common : a life in the air : Geelong's pioneer aviator, aerial photographer and flying instructor / Kevin O'Reilly ; [foreword by] Justin Giddings
Teachers, White -- Training of -- United States : Building pedagogues : White practicing teachers and the struggle for antiracist work in schools / Zachary A. Casey and Shannon K. McManimon
Teachers with disabilities -- Great Britain : Teacher educators. Effective inclusion. Teachers with learning difficulties or disabilities / [produced by] Available Light Productions
Teachers with disabilities -- Recruiting : Diversifying the teaching profession : dimensions, dilemmas, and directions for the future / edited by Elaine Keane, Manuela Heinz, Rory Mc Daid
Teachers -- Workload -- Australia -- Tasmania. : Teachers' stories of change : an interpretive study of behavioural studies teachers' experiences of change in Tasmanian schools and colleges 1984-1994 / by Christine Easthope
Teaching -- 20th century : Wissenschaftlich Arbeiten von abbildung bis zitat : lehr-und Übungsbuch für Bachelor, Master und Promotion / von Prof. Dr. Berit Sandberg ; Lektorat, Christiane Engel-Haas ; herstellung, Tina Bonertz