Techno music -- Pictorial works. : Discstyle : the graphic arts of electronic music and club culture : house, techno, electro, triphop, drum'n'bass, big beat / Martin Pesch, Markus Weisbeck
Technocracy -- Anecdotes : Putt's Law & the successful technocrat : how to win in the information age / Archibald Putt ; illustrated by Dennis Driscoll
Technocracy -- History : Technocratic visions : engineers, technology, and society in Mexico / edited by Justin Castro and James A. Garza
Technolgical innovations Cultural property : La mediación tecnológica como vía para la apropiación del patrimonio cultural / Yamely Almarza Franco, Johann Pirela Morillo
Technological advances Military art and science : Powering the armed forces : meeting the military's energy challenges / Gary Roughead, Jeremy Carl, Manuel Hernandez ; foreword by George P. Shultz ; introduction by Sharon E. Burke
Technological aspects Museums : Changes in museum practice : new media, refugees and participation / edited by Hanne-Lovise Skartveit and Katherine Goodnow
Here are entered works on technical assistance as a form of international aid. This heading may be subdivided geographically for works on technical assistance rendered to a specific place. Works on technical assistance originating in an individual region or country are entered under Technical assistance qualified by region or nationality, e.g. Technical assistance, American
Here are entered works on fundamental technological improvements or changes in materials, production methods, processes, organization, or management which increase efficiency and production. Works on original devices or processes are entered under Inventions --subdivision Technological innovations under topical headings, e.g. Automobiles--Technological innovations; Construction industry--Technological innovations; and subdivision Effect of technological innovations on under classes of persons, e.g. Construction industry--Employees--Effect of technological innovations on
Here are entered works on fundamental technological improvements or changes in materials, production methods, processes, organization, or management which increase efficiency and production. Works on original devices or processes are entered under Inventions --subdivision Technological innovations under topical headings, e.g. Automobiles--Technological innovations; Construction industry--Technological innovations; and subdivision Effect of technological innovations on under classes of persons, e.g. Construction industry--Employees--Effect of technological innovations on
--subdivision Technological innovations under individual animals and groups of animals and individual plants and groups of plants, e.g. Cattle--Technological innovations; Corn--Technological innovations