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Book Cover
Author Cavarero, Adriana, author.

Title Thou shalt not kill : a political and theological dialogue / Adriana Cavarero and Angelo Scola ; translated by Margaret Adams Groesbeck and Adam Sitze
Edition First edition
Published New York, NY : Fordham University Press, 2015


Description 1 online resource
Series Commonalities
Contents Part I I: The Irrepressable Face of the Other. Point of Departure -- Commandments and Covenant -- Christianity and Rational, Universal Morals -- You Shall Not Kill -- Responsibilities and Challenges: Burning Issues. Part II: The Archaeology of Homicide. A Special Law -- Brief Philological Note -- Crime and Punishment -- When Killing Is Lawful and Just -- To Cut Life Short -- A Weak Commandment -- In The Beginning -- Homo Necans -- You Shall Never Kill -- The Sex of Cain
Summary In this fascinating and rare little book, a leading Italian feminist philosopher and the Archbishop of Milan face off over the contemporary meaning of the biblical commandment not to kill. The result is a series of erudite and wide-ranging arguments that move from murder and suicide to just war and drone strikes, from bioethics and biopolitics to hermeneutics and philology, from Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer to Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault, from Torah and Scripture to art and literature, from the essence of human dignity and the paradoxes of fratricide to engagements with Levinasian ethics. Less a direct debate than a disputation in the classical sense, Thou Shalt Not Kill proves to be a searching meditation on one of the unstated moral premises shared by otherwise bitterly opposed political factions. It will stimulate the mind of the novice while also reminding more advanced readers of the necessity and desirability of thinking in the present
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
SUBJECT Ten commandments -- Murder.
Ten commandments fast
Subject PHILOSOPHY -- Ethics & Moral Philosophy.
RELIGION -- Religion, Politics & State.
Philosophy & Religion.
Form Electronic book
Author Scola, Angelo
ISBN 9780823267385
Other Titles Non uccidere. English