Teoría asintótica : Methods for the analysis of asymmetric proximity data / Giuseppe Bove, Akinori Okada, Donatella Vicari
Teoría asintótica -- Congresos : Asymptotics in dynamics, geometry and PDEs ; Generalized Borel Summation. vol. II / edited by Ovidiu Costin [and others]
Teoría asintótica Ecuaciones de evolución : Progress in partial differential equations : asymptotic profiles, regularity and well-posedness / Michael Reissig, Michael Ruzhansky, editors
Teoría asintótica Ecuaciones funcionales : Geometric aspects of functional analysis : Israel Seminar (GAFA) 2017-2019. Volume I / edited by Bo'az Klartag, Emanuel Milman
Teoria AssintÓtica. : Construction of global Lyapunov functions using radial basis functions / Peter Giesl
Teoria atòmica. : Niels Bohr and the quantum atom : the Bohr model of atomic structure 1913-1925 / Helge Kragh
Teoria cinètica de la matèria. : From particle systems to partial differential equations : International Conference, Particle Systems and PDEs VI, VII and VIII, 2017-2019 / Cédric Bernardin, François Golse, Patrícia Gonçalves, Valeria Ricci, Ana Jacinta Soares, editors
Teoria cinética dos gases. : The kinetic theory of gases : an anthology of classic papers with historical commentary / by Stephen G Brush ; edited by Nancy S Hall
Teoría cuántica. : Quantum theory from first principles : an informational approach / Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy, Giulio Chiribella, the University of Hong Kong, Paolo Perinotti, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy
Teoria da arquitetura. : Architecture in use : an introduction to the programming, design and evaluation of buildings / Theo JM van der Voordt, Herman BR van Wegen
Teoria da bifurcação. : Topological degree approach to bifurcation problems / Michal Fečkan
TEORIA DA DECISÃO (ADMINISTRAÇÃO EXECUTIVA) : Multi-stakeholder processes for governance and sustainability : beyond deadlock and conflict / Minu Hemmati ; with contributions from Felix Dodds, Jasmin Enayati, and Jan McHarry
Teoria das categorias (congressos) : Applications of categories in computer science : proceedings of the LMS Symposium, Durham 1991 / edited by M.P. Fourman, P.T. Johnstone, A.M. Pitts
Teoría de bifurcación -- Congresos : Stability and bifurcation theory for non-autonomous differential equations : Cetraro, Italy 2011 / Anna Capietto [and others] ; editors, Russell Johnson, Maria Patrizia Pera