Texas Medical care Utilization Maps : Texas health atlas / Lawrence E. Estaville, Kristine Egan, Abel A. Galaviz ; foreword by Nancy Dickey ; foreword by Marcos J. de Lima, MD
Texas Medical centers Houston History : Enduring legacy : the M.D. Anderson Foundation and the Texas Medical Center / William Henry Kellar ; foreword by George H.W. Bush and James A. Baker III
Texas Medical geography Maps : Texas health atlas / Lawrence E. Estaville, Kristine Egan, Abel A. Galaviz ; foreword by Nancy Dickey ; foreword by Marcos J. de Lima, MD
Texas Medical geography Statistics : Texas health atlas / Lawrence E. Estaville, Kristine Egan, Abel A. Galaviz ; foreword by Nancy Dickey ; foreword by Marcos J. de Lima, MD
Texas Memory Social aspects : Texan identities : moving beyond myth, memory, and fallacy in Texas history / edited by Light Townsend Cummins and Mary L. Scheer ; foreword by Jesús F. de la Teja
Texas Mennonites Seminole Region : Mennonites in Texas : the quiet in the land / text and photographs by Laura L. Camden & Susan Gaetz Duarte ; foreword by Ann W. Richards ; with contributions by Mark L. Louden & Dennis Carlyle Darling
Texas Mental health services Economic aspects : How the factor of profitability determines the psychiatric diagnosis : case studies of social triage in the Texas psychiatric hospital industry / Karen Glumm ; with a foreword by Sheldon Ekland-Olson
Texas Mexican American cowboys Biography : The master showmen of King Ranch : the story of Beto and Librado Maldonado / Betty Bailey Colley and Jane Clements Monday, with Beto Maldonado ; foreword by Stephen J. "Tio" Kleberg
Texas Mexican American leadership History 19th century : Tejano leadership in Mexican and Revolutionary Texas / Jesús F. de la Teja, editor ; foreword by David J. Weber ; with contributions by Raúl Ramos [and others]
Texas Mexican American soldiers Correspondence : Tejanos in gray : Civil War letters of Captains Joseph Rafael de La Garza and Manuel Yturri / edited and with an introduction by Jerry Thompson ; translations by José Roberto Juárez
Texas Mexican American theater History : Footlights across the border : a history of Spanish-language professional theatre on the Texas stage / Elizabeth C. Ramírez
Texas Mexican American women agricultural laborers : How did Mexican working women assert their labor and constitutional rights in the 1938 San Antonio pecan shellers strike? / by Thomas Dublin, Taina DelValle, and Rosalyn Perez