Textile industry -- Kazakhstan : Textiles as national heritage : identities, politics and material culture : case studies from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Algeria and Peru / Gabriele Mentges, Lola Shamukhitdinova (Eds) ; assisted by Johanna Korbik, Jella Fink, Svenja Adelt and Julia Sattler
Textile industry -- Kenya : Marketplace Africa. Kenya textiles ; Laureen Kouassi-Olsson / Cable News Network
Textile industry -- Lesotho : Lesotho : selected issues and statistical appendix / [prepared by a staff team comprising Ekué Kpodar and others]
Textile industry -- Location : Firms, farms, and the state in Colombia : a study of rural, urban, and regional dimensions of change / A.H.J. Helmsing
Textile industry -- Location -- Colombia : Firms, farms, and the state in Colombia : a study of rural, urban, and regional dimensions of change / A.H.J. Helmsing
Textile industry -- Marketing : Sustainability, stakeholders and marketing in the textile sector : conceptual and practical cases for the Americas / Aníbal Enrique Toscano-Hernández, Saúl Alfonso Esparza-Rodríguez, Gabino García-Tapia, editors
Textile industry -- Mathematical models : Textile processes : quality control and design of experiments / Georgi Borisov Damyanov, Diana Stoyanova Germanova-Krasteva
Textile industry -- Mediterranean Region -- History -- To 1500 -- Congresses : First textiles : the beginnings of textile manufacture in Europe and the Mediterranean : proceedings of the EAA Session held in Istanbul (2014) and the 'First Textiles' Conference in Copenhagen (2015) / edited by Małgorzata Siennicka, Lorenz Rahmstorf and Agata Ulanowska
Textile industry -- Netherlands -- Case studies : De vrees voor wat niet kwam : nieuwe arbeidsverhoudingen in Nederland 1935-1945, aan het voorbeeld van de Twentse textielindustrie / door Gerardus Cornelis Josephus Kuijs
Textile industry -- New England -- History : Confronting decline : the political economy of deindustrialization in twentieth-century New England / David Koistinen ; foreword by Timothy J. Minchin and Richard Greenwald