Thailand Aging parents : Older-age parents and the AIDS epidemic in Thailand : changing impacts in the era of antiretroviral therapy / [prepared by John Knodel and others]
Thailand Agricultural assistance : Re-cultivating agricultural science, or, What I've learned in 40 years of professional life / (John) Lindsay Falvey
Thailand Agriculture and politics : The political economy of the agri-food system in Thailand : hegemony, counter-hegemony, and co-optation of oppositions / Prapimphan Chiengkul
Thailand Agriculture and state : The Structure and reform of direct taxation : report / of a committee chaired by professor J. E. Meade
Thailand Agriculture Economic aspects : The political economy of the agri-food system in Thailand : hegemony, counter-hegemony, and co-optation of oppositions / Prapimphan Chiengkul
Thailand Aids behandling : The economics of effective AIDS treatment : evaluating policy options for Thailand / Ana Revenga [and others] ; with a foreword by Sombat Thanprasertsuk ; with contributions from Tim Brown [and others]
Thailand AIDS (Disease) Economic aspects : Die HIV/AIDS-Epidemie in Thailand : eine Studie zu sozio-ökonomischen Auswirkungen und Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen / Sylvia Niebuhr
Thailand AIDS (Disease) Epidemiology : Die HIV/AIDS-Epidemie in Thailand : eine Studie zu sozio-ökonomischen Auswirkungen und Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen / Sylvia Niebuhr
Thailand AIDS (Disease) Patients : Older-age parents and the AIDS epidemic in Thailand : changing impacts in the era of antiretroviral therapy / [prepared by John Knodel and others]
Thailand AIDS (Disease) Prevention : The economics of effective AIDS treatment : evaluating policy options for Thailand / Ana Revenga [and others] ; with a foreword by Sombat Thanprasertsuk ; with contributions from Tim Brown [and others]
Thailand Aids prevention : The economics of effective AIDS treatment : evaluating policy options for Thailand / Ana Revenga [and others] ; with a foreword by Sombat Thanprasertsuk ; with contributions from Tim Brown [and others]