Tok Pisin English language Dictionaries : Pidgin English dictionary of common nouns and phrases used in conversation with natives in the Territory of New Guinea, with an appendix containing sentences grouped for use in the varied occupations of the Territory, also a collection of advice to new arrivals / <'Maski Mike'>
Tok Pisin (langue) -- Grammaire. : Language shift and cultural reproduction : socialization, self, and syncretism in a Papua New Guinean village / Don Kulick
Tokamaks -- China : Man-made sun : Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) fusion reactor / Baonian Wan, editor
Tokamaks -- Congresses : Proceedings of the Fifteenth Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating : Yosemite National Park, California, USA, 10-13 March 2008 / editor, John Lohr
Tokamaks -- Research -- International cooperation : A review of the DOE plan for U.S. fusion community participation in the ITER program / Committee to Review the U.S. ITER Science Participation Planning Process, Plasma Science Committee, Board on Physics and Astronomy, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies
Tokamaks -- Safety measures : Safety factor profile control in a tokamak / Federico Bribiesca Argomedo, Emmanuel Witrant, Christophe Prieur
Tokarczuk, Olga, 1962- -- Influence : Polish theory of history and metahistory in Topolski, Pomian, and Tokarczuk : from Hayden White and beyond / Jan Pomorski