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Title Tottel's Songes and sonettes in context / edited by Stephen Hamrick
Published London : Routledge, 2016


Description 1 online resource
Contents 1. Printing history and editorial design in the Elizabethan version of Tottel's Songes and sonettes / Paul A. Marquis -- 2. Profit and pleasure? The real economy of Tottel's Songes and sonettes / Catherine Bates -- 3. Tottel's Troy / Alex Davis -- 4. Chaucer's presence in Songes and sonettes / Amanda Holton -- 5. Songes and sonettes, 1557 / Peter C. Herman -- 6. Songes and sonnettes and Shakespeare's poetry / Tom MacFaul -- 7. Cultivation and inhumation : some thoughts on the cultural impact of Tottel's Songes and sonettes / Seth Lerer -- 8. "Their gods in verse" : the popular reception of Songes and sonettes 1557-1674 / Stephen Hamrick
Summary Though printer Richard Tottel's Songes and Sonettes (1557) remains the most influential poetic collection printed in the sixteenth century, the compiliation has long been ignored or misundertood by scholars of early modern English culture. Embracing a broad range of critical and historical perspectives, the eight essays within this volume offer the first sustained analysis of the many ways that consumers read and understood Songes and Sonettes as an anthology over the course of the early modern period. Copied by a monarch, set to music, sung, carried overseas, studied, appropriated, rejected,
Notes Previously issued in print: Farnham: Ashgate, 2013
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Subject Tottel, Richard, -1594. Songes and sonettes
Tottel, Richard, -1594 -- Appreciation
Tottel, Richard, -1594
Art appreciation
Form Electronic book
Author Hamrick, Stephen, editor
ISBN 9781317009726