Trace elements in water -- Measurement. : Prototype apparatus for the collection of a time-integrated water sample for trace heavy metal determination / G.J. Fabris, A. Kilpatrick and K. Smith
A group of chemical elements that are needed in minute quantities for the proper growth, development, and physiology of an organism. (From McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Tracers (Biology) : Tracer studies using bacteriophage to predict the fate of viruses in the marine community : preliminary assessments / Bruce J. Richardson ... [and others]
Here are entered works on instruments that combine an oscilloscope with a camera to produce a permanent record of a waveform. Works on test instruments in which the variations in an electrical quantity appear temporarily as a visible waveform on the screen of a cathode ray tube are entered under Oscilloscopes
Traces (Project) / : Art, anthropology, and contested heritage : ethnographies of TRACES / edited by Arnd Schneider