Traditional medicine -- Africa, East : Ancient remedies, new disease : involving traditional healers in increasing access and aids care and prevention in east africa
A system of traditional medicine which is based on the beliefs and practices of the African peoples. It includes treatment by medicinal plants and other materia medica as well as by the ministrations of diviners, medicine men, witch doctors, and sorcerers
Traditional medicine -- Alberta : Akak'stiman : a Blackfoot framework for decision-making and mediation processes / Reg Crowshoe and Sybille Manneschmidt
Traditional medicine -- Australia, Central : Traditional healers of central Australia : Ngangkari / Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council Aboriginal Corporation
Traditional medicine -- Balkan Peninsula : Ethnobotany and biocultural diversities in the Balkans : perspectives on sustainable rural development and reconciliation / Andrea Pieroni, Cassandra L. Quave, editors
Traditional medicine -- British Isles. : Folk medicine : a miscellany of old cures and remedies, superstitions, and old wives' tales having particular reference to Australia and the British Isles / assembled by Bill Wannan
Traditional medicine -- Central America : The limpia in the mesoamerican ethnomedicines : an anthropological approach to one of the oldest healing procedures in the mesoamerican cultures / Alfonso J. Aparicio Mena, Francesco Di Ludovico ; translation by Oscar A. Tapia, Anjana Patel ; revision by Chiara Morini, Francesco Di Ludovico ; pictures and cover by Álvar Aparicio Tejido