A psychoanalytic therapy wherein each social transaction is analyzed to determine the involved ego state (whether parent-like, child-like, or adult-like) as a basis for understanding behavior
Transactional analysis -- See Also the narrower term Inner child
Transactional analysis -- Textbooks : Into TA : a comprehensive textbook on transactional analysis / edited by William F. Cornell, Anne de Graaf, Trudi Newton, and Moniek Thunnissen
Here are entered works on transactions which occur in the normal course of business such as sales, purchases, transfers, etc. between related parties, e.g. a parent company and its subsidiaries, an enterprise and its principal owners, etc
Transaktionskostenansatz : State, market and organizational form / edited by Ayşe Buğra and Behlül Üsdiken
Transaktionssystem : Advances in databases and information systems : 13th East European conference, ADBIS 2009, Riga, Latvia, September 7-10, 2009 ; proceedings / Janis Grundspenkis, Tadeusz Morzy, Gottfried Vossen (eds.)
Transaktionsverwaltung : Advances in web-age information management : 6th international conference, WAIM 2005, Hangzhou, China, October 11-13, 2005 : proceedings / Wenfei Fan, Zhaohui Wu, Jun Yang (eds.)
A fibrin-stabilizing plasma enzyme (TRANSGLUTAMINASES) that is activated by THROMBIN and CALCIUM to form FACTOR XIIIA. It is important for stabilizing the formation of the fibrin polymer (clot) which culminates the coagulation cascade
Transana : Analysis of multi-stream video data in the software Transana / Sarah L. Bulloch
Transanal Endoscopic Surgery -- methods : Surgical techniques in rectal cancer : transanal, laparoscopic, and robotic approach / Giovanni Dapri, John H. Marks, editors
Transantiago (Santiago, Chile) / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nb2010031501 : Assembling policy : Transantiago, human devices, and the dream of a world-class society / Sebastián Ureta
Transatlantic cables -- History : Hot molecules, cold electrons : from the mathematics of heat to the development of the trans-Atlantic telegraph cable / Paul J. Nahin