Transferases -- metabolism : Conjugation reactions in drug metabolism : an integrated approach : substrates, co-substrates, enzymes and their interactions in vivo and in vitro / edited by Gerard J. Mulder
Transfereinkommen : Transfer-Einkommen und Einkommensverteilung / von Ralf Zeppernick
The unconscious transfer to others (including psychotherapists) of feelings and attitudes which were originally associated with important figures (parents, siblings, etc.) in one's early life
The unconscious transfer to others (including psychotherapists) of feelings and attitudes which were originally associated with important figures (parents, siblings, etc.) in one's early life
Transferencia de calor e massa. : Handbook of heat transfer / Warren M. Rohsenow, editor ; J.P. Hartnett, editor ; Young I. Cho, editor
Transferència de massa -- Models matemàtics. : Numerical analysis of heat and mass transfer in porous media / J.M.P.Q. Delgado, Antonio Gilson Barbosa Lima, Marta Vázquez Silva, editors
Transferência de recursos -- América latina. : Conditional cash transfers : reducing present and future poverty / Ariel Fiszbein and Norbert Schady ; with Francisco H.G. Ferreira [and others]
Transferência de recursos -- Grã-bretanha;nigéria. : The UK-Nigeria remittance corridor : challenges of embracing formal transfer systems in a dual financial environment / Raúl Hernández-Coss, Chinyere Egwuagu Bun
transferencia entre las generaciones. : Samuelsonian economics and the twenty-first century / edited by Michael Szenberg, Lall Ramrattan, Aron A. Gottesman ; foreword by Kenneth J. Arrow
Artificial, single or multilaminar vesicles (made from lecithins or other lipids) that are used for the delivery of a variety of biological molecules or molecular complexes to cells, for example, drug delivery and gene transfer. They are also used to study membranes and membrane proteins
Artificial, single or multilaminar vesicles (made from lecithins or other lipids) that are used for the delivery of a variety of biological molecules or molecular complexes to cells, for example, drug delivery and gene transfer. They are also used to study membranes and membrane proteins
Transferpreis. : OECD transfer pricing guidelines for multinational enterprises and tax administrations
An iron-binding beta1-globulin that is synthesized in the LIVER and secreted into the blood. It plays a central role in the transport of IRON throughout the circulation. A variety of transferrin isoforms exist in humans, including some that are considered markers for specific disease states
An iron-binding beta1-globulin that is synthesized in the LIVER and secreted into the blood. It plays a central role in the transport of IRON throughout the circulation. A variety of transferrin isoforms exist in humans, including some that are considered markers for specific disease states
Membrane glycoproteins found in high concentrations on iron-utilizing cells. They specifically bind iron-bearing transferrin, are endocytosed with its ligand and then returned to the cell surface where transferrin without its iron is released
Membrane glycoproteins found in high concentrations on iron-utilizing cells. They specifically bind iron-bearing transferrin, are endocytosed with its ligand and then returned to the cell surface where transferrin without its iron is released
Transferring information : Schaum's Signals and Systems Supplementary Problem 1.46: Unit Step Functions Example / Carlotta A. Berry
An iron-binding beta1-globulin that is synthesized in the LIVER and secreted into the blood. It plays a central role in the transport of IRON throughout the circulation. A variety of transferrin isoforms exist in humans, including some that are considered markers for specific disease states
The transfer of mammalian embryos from an in vivo or in vitro environment to a suitable host to improve pregnancy or gestational outcome in human or animal. In human fertility treatment programs, preimplantation embryos ranging from the 4-cell stage to the blastocyst stage are transferred to the uterine cavity between 3-5 days after FERTILIZATION IN VITRO
Transfer of GASTROINTESTINAL MICROBIOTA from one individual to another by infusion of donor FECES to the upper or lower GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT of the recipient
Surgical reinnervation of a denervated peripheral target using a healthy donor nerve and/or its proximal stump. The direct connection is usually made to a healthy postlesional distal portion of a non-functioning nerve or implanted directly into denervated muscle or insensitive skin. Nerve sprouts will grow from the transferred nerve into the denervated elements and establish contact between them and the neurons that formerly controlled another area
Change in learning in one situation due to prior learning in another situation. The transfer can be positive (with second learning improved by first) or negative (where the reverse holds)
Spread and adoption of inventions and techniques from one geographic area to another, from one discipline to another, or from one sector of the economy to another. For example, improvements in medical equipment may be transferred from industrial countries to developing countries, advances arising from aerospace engineering may be applied to equipment for persons with disabilities, and innovations in science arising from government research are made available to private enterprise
Here are entered works on the transfer of funds by migrants to their place of origin within the same country. Works on the transfer of funds by emigrants to their country of origin are entered under Emigrant remittances