Transnational education -- Australia -- Case studies : Australian universitites delivering educational programs in other countries : a study of off-shore higher education / Katalin Dobos, Anne Chapman, Thomas O'Donoghue ; with a foreword by Pak Tee Ng
Transnational education -- Canada : International Students in Transnational Spaces Chinese Youth's Aspirations, Learning and Becoming
Transnational education -- China : Transitioning 'in-between' : Chinese students' navigating experiences in transnational higher education programmes / by Kun Dai
Transnational education -- East Asia : Emerging international dimensions in East Asian higher education / Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Yuto Kitamura, Arthur Meerman, Kazuo Kuroda, editors
Transnational education -- Japan : The history of Temple University Japan : an experiment in international education / Richard Joslyn and Bruce Stronach
Transnational education -- Middle East : Western higher education in Asia and the Middle East : politics, economics, and pedagogy / edited by Kevin Gray, Hassan Bashir, and Stephen Keck
Here are entered works on higher education programs, courses of study, and educational services in which students are located in a country different from the one where the awarding institution is located
Transnational history. : Identitätskrisen nach dem Ende des Britischen Empire : zur kulturellen Neu-Verortung in Kanada, Australien und Aotearoa Neuseeland / Sebastian Koch
Transnational voting -- Europe, Central : External voting : the patterns and drivers of Central European migrants' homeland electoral participation / Kacper Szulecki, Marta Bivand Erdal, Ben Stanley
Transnational voting -- United States : The federal voting assistance program and the road ahead : achieving institutional change through analysis and collaboration / Victoria A. Greenfield, Shoshana R. Shelton, Edward Balkovich, John S. Davis II, David M. Adamson
transnationalisering Lesbianism bisexualitet manlig homosexualitet transsexualism Europa : LGBT activism and the making of Europe : a rainbow Europe / edited by Phillip M. Ayoub, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Drexel University, USA, and David Paternotte, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Political Science, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium