Transportation of Patients -- standards : Guidelines for air and ground transport of neonatal and pediatric patients / author, Section on Transport Medicine, American Academy of Pediatrics ; Robert M. Insoft, editor-in-chief ; Hamilton P. Schwartz, associate editor ; Jan Romito, special consultant ; S. Nicole Alexander, AAP staff
Here are entered works on the movement of prisoners from one place to another. Works on the banishment of prisoners to penal colonies are entered under Penal transportation
Here are entered works on the banishment of prisoners to penal colonies. Works on the movement of prisoners from one place to another are entered under Prisoners--Transportation
Transportation Older people Congresses : 8th International Conference on Transport and Mobility for Elderly and Disabled People : conference proceedings : setting the pace, Perth, Western Australia
Transportation Older people Europe Congresses : Report of the hundred and twelfth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 19th-20th November 1998 on the following topic : transport and ageing of the population
Transportation Older people Mississippi : Transportation needs for the elderly, handicapped and low income of Mississippi / prepared by Kay Van Sickel and Kenneth W. Heatherington ; for the Mississippi State Highway Department and Mississippi Council on Aging
Transportation Older people Research Case studies : Using multilevel path modeling to examine the statistical effect of transport deprivation on the self-reported health and mental health of older people who live alone and in rural areas / Stefanie Doebler
Transportation -- Papua New Guinea. : Transport survey of the Territories of Papua and New Guinea : summary of conclusions and recommendations [chapter II
Transportation -- Passenger traffic -- Data processing : Reliability evaluation and its influence on traffic application : based on mobile phone signaling data / Fei Yang, Yanchen Wang, Yudong Guo, Haihang Jiang, Zhenxing Yao
Transportation -- Passenger traffic -- Planning : The future for interurban passenger transport : bringing citizens closer together : 18th International Symposium on Transport Economics and Policy, 16-18 November 2009, Madrid