A plant genus of the family RUTACEAE. They bear the familiar citrus fruits including oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes. There are many hybrids which makes the nomenclature confusing
A plant genus of the family FABACEAE. The gums and tanning agents obtained from Acacia are called GUM ARABIC. The common name catechu is more often used for Areca catechu (ARECA)
The only specie of the genus Ginkgo, family Ginkgoacea. It is the source of extracts of medicinal interest, especially Egb 761. Ginkgo may refer to the genus or species
A plant genus of the family RUTACEAE. They bear the familiar citrus fruits including oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes. There are many hybrids which makes the nomenclature confusing
Trees -- Middle West -- Pictorial works : Native trees of the Midwest : identification, wildlife values, and landscaping use / Sally S. Weeks, Harmon P. Weeks, Jr., George R. Parker
Trees -- Miscellanea : Outdoor domesticity : on the relationships between trees, architecture and inhabitants / Ricardo Devesa ; with contributions by María Teresa Muñoz, Iñaki Ábalos ; translation, copy editing and proofreading, Angela Kay Bunning
Here are entered works dealing with trees which are deliberately grown or kept and managed for more than one intended use to provide economical or ecological products or services in a multipurpose land use system
Trees -- Mythology. : Trees : source material for a multicultural perspective / Richmond Community Education Centre
A plant genus of the family MELIACEAE. Members contain azadirachtin A (a limonoid commonly referred to as azadirachtin) and other TRITERPENES. They have been used in PESTICIDES. The old name of Melia azadirachta is very similar to a related plant, MELIA AZEDARACH
Trees -- New Mexico -- Identification : Field guide to the trees of the Gila Region of New Mexico Richard Stephen Felger, James Thomas Verrier, Kelly Kindscher, Xavier Raj Herbst Khera
Trees -- New South Wales : The vegetation and pastures of western New South Wales, with special reference to soil erosion / N.C.W. Beadle
Trees -- New Zealand -- dentification : Which native tree? : a simple guide to the identification of New Zealand native trees / Andrew Crowe ; [edited by Brian O'Flaherty ; illustrations, Geoffrey Cox ; photographs, Andrew Crowe]
Trees -- New Zealand -- Identification. : Which native tree? : a simple guide to the identification of New Zealand native trees / Andrew Crowe ; [edited by Brian O'Flaherty ; illustrations, Geoffrey Cox ; photographs, Andrew Crowe]
Trees -- North America. : A guide to the trees / by Alice Lounsberry ; with sixty-four coloured and one hundred and sixty-four black-and-white plates and fifty-five diagrams by Ellis Rowan ; with an introduction by N.L. Britton
A plant genus of the family Oleaceae. The olive fruit is the source of OLIVE OIL
Trees -- organization & management : Treetops at risk : challenges of global canopy ecology and conservation / Margaret Lowman, Soubadra Devy, T. Ganesh, editors
Trees -- Papua New Guinea -- Nomenclature. : Local dialect names, trade names & botanical names of Indigenous & introduced tree species. Third trade note. Central district / compiled by R.N. Munro and M. Ahern.
Trees -- Papua New Guinea -- Nomenclature (Popular) : Local dialect names, trade names & botanical names of Indigenous & introduced tree species. Third trade note. Central district / compiled by R.N. Munro and M. Ahern.