Trennungsangst : Separation anxiety in children and adolescents : an individualized approach to assessment and treatment / Andrew R. Eisen, Charles E. Schaefer ; foreword by David H. Barlow
Trentham Region (Vic.) -- Maps : 1:50 000 geological map series. 7723-2, zone 55, Trentham / Geological Survey of Victoria
Trentham (Vic.) -- History : A hard day's work : growing spuds around Trentham / by Ina Bertrand and Gael Elliott
Trentino-Alto Adige Architecture Italy History Exhibitions : Architektur wird Region : Die Regionalisierung von Architektur in Südtirol von circa 1880 bis in die Zwischenkriegszeit = Dall'architettura alla regione : La regionalizzazione dell'architettura in Alto Adige dal 1880 circa fino al periodo tra le due guerre mondiali = Architecture becomes Region : The regionalization of architecture in South Tyrol from around 1880 until the Interwar period / Bettina Schlorhaufer, Schloss Prösels, Georg Grote
Trentino-Alto Adige Copper age Italy : The man in the ice : the preserved body of a Neolithic man reveals the secrets of the Stone Age / Konrad Spindler ; translated from the German by Ewald Osers
Trentino-Alto Adige (Italy) -- History, Local : Italienische Ortsnamen in Südtirol : Geschichte, Sprache, Namenpolitik = La toponomastica italiana dell'Alto Adige : storia, lingua, onomastica politica / Johannes Kramer
Trentino-Alto Adige (Italy) -- Name : Italienische Ortsnamen in Südtirol : Geschichte, Sprache, Namenpolitik = La toponomastica italiana dell'Alto Adige : storia, lingua, onomastica politica / Johannes Kramer