Trichotillomanie -- Traitement. : Treating trichotillomania : cognitive-behavioral therapy for hairpulling and related problems / Martin E. Franklin, David F. Tolin
Trick cinematography -- Technique. : Reflections : twenty-one cinematographers at work / by Benjamin Bergery; introduction by John Bailey, with photographs by Jasper Johal
Trick or treat Powell, Padgett : Short stories for students. Volume 25 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories / Ira Mark Milne, project editor ; foreword by Thomas E. Barden
Trickling filters. : Aerobic fixed-growth reactors / prepared by Aerobic Fixed-Growth Reactors Task Force of the Water Environment Federation under the direction of the Municipal Subcommittee of the Technical Practice Committee
Tricksters -- Africa, West. : The trickster in West Africa : a study of mythic irony and sacred delight / Robert D. Pelton
Trickster's choice Pierce, Tamora : Literary newsmakers for students. Volume 1 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on newsmaking novels, nonfiction, and poetry / Anne Marie Hacht, editor ; foreword by Greg Wilson