Trusts and trustees -- Germany : Der Trust im chinesischen Recht : eine Darstellung des chinesischen Trustgesetzes von 2001 vor dem Hintergrund des englischen Trustrechts und des Rechts der fiduziarischen Treuhand in Deutschland / von Raimund Christian Behnes
Trusts and trustees -- Government policy -- United States : Fiduciary government / edited by Evan J. Criddle (William & Mary Law School), Evan Fox-Decent (McGill University), Andrew S. Gold (Depaul University School of Law), Sung Hui Kim (UCLA School of Law), Paul B. Miller (University of Notre Dame, Indiana)
Trusts and trustees -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800 : The law of uses and trusts : collected and digested in a proper order, from the reports of adjudg'd cases, in the courts of law and equity, and other books of authority; together with a treatise of dower, to which is added, a complete table of all the matters therein contain'd
Trusts and trustees -- India : The law of trusts in British India : with an appendix, containing the Registration of Societies Act (XXI of 1860), Religious Endowments Act (XX of 1863), Official Trustees Act (XVII of 1864), Indian Trustee Act (XXVII of 1866), the Trustees' and Mortgagees' Powers Act (XXVIII of 1866), the Religious Societies Act (I of 1880), and the Indian Trusts Act (II of 1882) / by William Fischer Agnew
Trusts and trustees -- Jersey : Litigating trust disputes in Jersey : law, procedure & remedies / James M Sheedy LL.B (Exon), Barrister of Lincoln's Inn ; Consulting Editor, Stephen M Baker LL.B (Manc) LL.M (Cantab), Barrister of the Middle Temple, Advocate of the Royal Court of Jersey
Trusts and trustees -- Marshall Islands : Republic of the Marshall Islands : selected issues and statistical appendix / prepared by H. Edison and P. N'Diaye, and D. Nyberg
Trusts and trustees -- Maryland : The execution of trusts by the statute of uses in Maryland : being the Johnson Prize Essay of the University of Maryland for the year 1886 / by John P. O'Ferral